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What is the difference in Matrix Cosmetics vs other brands?

1- Natural: It is huge advantage, especially with high rate skin cancer cases nowadays, by choosing natural products, you are smart enough to recognize the danger of chemicals in other cosmetics products.
2- Made in USA: we all know that America has strict rules and regulation, FDA is the establishment in USA responsible on food, drug and cosmetics, even though the FDA does not require pre-approval before selling cosmetics, it is their responsibility to ensure safety and accurate advertisements for products, therefore, when we say natural cosmetics, it is 100% natural.
3- charity contribution: We dedicate 5% of our annual profit to go to charity organization in Jordan.
4- Owned by pharmacists: Our managements are licensed pharmacists in United states,, and when it comes to cosmetics, they are the most educated experts on the planet since they are the one who create and design the cosmetics products.
5- Convenient delivery: We offer our products in big stores around, through online purchases, or through monthly membership which we deliver our best selling products to your home steps.
6- Less allergy and irritation to skin: Our products are Paraben free, Gluten free, allergen free, fragrance free.

Are all products natural and organic?
all of them natural. Lipstick & Lip gloss are natural and organic as well.

Which countries you ship to?
All the world, no exception.

Which countries your products are available in the physical stores?
USA & Jordan so far, and we are expanding ..